Iveta and the HSBC 30

What a great weekend at HSBC!



Friday: The weather at 10 am looked pretty bad with storm coming and I was too tired so I decided to watch highlights from Thursday on TV. I came to the golf course around noon. I watched Inbee, Brooke and Ariya and walked together with my ex coach which was nice, he knew Brad Inbee’s caddy so he introduced me:-)

Ariya with her 3 wood, so powerful! Inbee was still bit rusty with short game and Brooke, she hits the ball so far! No beers or after party on day 3 for me, I had to rush to my daughter’s swimming class.

Saturday: It got more interesting. I took my 6 year old daughter with me, she is playing golf already, because her mother wants to be a caddy one day, ha ha.

The weather was pretty bad, rain coming and going. We walked straight to centre stage for little games and to collect goodies (as you do:). We did 360 videos of golf swing, putting challenge etc.

Morning during the rain was the time to be there, no crowds yet!

So this guy walked over to us and said, would you like to go to the concert (music festival) tonight if we gave you free tickets? I was like ehm what is the catch? He said nothing, your daughter is so cure, we would like to take photos of her. So they needed a photo giving away tickets to someone and we were the lucky ones:-) The music festival was part of HSBC womens championship and took part at the driving range on Saturday night. So mother had to take 6 year old to K pop style music festival because she got free tickets!!

Back to golf.. Heavy storm and the game was suspended.. We walked to the club house, but only players and vip and members were allowed to go inside the club house. But we are pretty well known there, we spend every Sunday evening in the club house, so we just walked passed the security in tow behind Natalia’s coach:-)

So the players were just sitting inside and resting, so we walked around and asked for few pictures. The best one – Morgan’s dad, he saw Natalia and took a  pink soccer style golf ball out of her bad and gave it to her.. So we have photo with Lexi, Suzann Pettersen, Anna Norqvist, Brittany, Charley Hull…

After the rain, the players went to driving range so we watched them and strategically were standing by the exit, so the little one could collect few more autographs.. From Lyd’s, Brook etc..

We watched bit of golf then, Ha Na Yang on the 10th tee signed a ball, walked over to Natalia a gave it to her with a huge smile. It was soooo nice of her!

Michelle looked very focused, no smiles no interaction with fans.. Well she was in the lead most of the time..

Music festival at the driving range was ok, not that any of the groups were famous, only Korean actor / singer was interesting for the Korean crowd (teenagers)..


 This was the best day!! I guess having a VIP pass makes the experience so much nicer! I got lucky, friend of mine was invited but her husband couldn’t go (thank god he was on business trip HA HA)

Came around 10, had nice breakfast in the Hexagon suite and then walked walked around and watched the action on the course. Michelle was in the lead, but when I saw Brooke made 3 birdies on the first 4 holes, I thought she was gonna do it. She made another 3 till the 12th hole I think but then no more..

Michelle starting on -14, finally got two birdies on 5, 6, and then going for another birdie she 4 putted OUCH!! back to 14 and that was it for her:-(

Then Inbee decided to show off, and came home strong and got her name on that beautiful trophy again. Her bogey on the last hole caused me to loose my bet. I said the winner will be -22, my buddy said 18, so -20 would have been a tie! Pretty careless Inbee!!


But what happend after Inbee’s group!! Michelle, Ariya and SH Park are still out there, waiting to hit last approach shot when the sirene went off!! There were few dark clouds but no rain and no lightening.. I think the organizers did not want to get wet during presentation!


So there was about 1 hour delay. Miracle did not happen, there was no play off. But at least Inbee came to the Hexagon Suite and we could take photos with her:-) before the presentation.

What happend in the VIP suite next, so as tradition they have a little competition of throwing golf balls from the balcony to the 18th hole… This is HSBC GM and his group which I was part of.. So we did throw about 10 baskets to the green!! OMG poor green keepers!