The Women’s Open 410

                               This week the Women’s Open



Held at the Old Course, St. Andrews

6649 Yards Par 71




The Defending Champion is Lilia Vu




In the TH our Open Champion last year was Wendy




The ladies go to the home of golf for the last Major of 2024.  First played in 1976, when the Amateur Open was extended to include professionals.  Amateurs won two of the first three events and there hasn’t been an amateur champion since.  That first Champion was then amateur Jenny Smith.





It became a Major in 2001 when the Canadian Open lost its sponsor.  The first ‘Major’ Champion was Se-ri Pak, and unlike some other events she actually got more money than the previous year’s regular tour event winner.





FUN FACT:  Unlike its male counterpart, the Women’s Open does not just play at links venues.   Last year’s event was not a links course . . . but with St Andrews this year, four of the last five have been links courses that are part of the rota for the Men’s Open Championship.



Four and an Alt

And there is a cut this week . . .



SlingerPlayer 1Player 2Player 3Player 4AlternateTOTAL
JJL Ko -17N Korda -5Zhang 3Furue 4MINJEE LEE MC 9-15
MX2Ko L -17Lee M MC 9Henseleit 4Furue 4CORPUZ MC 90
WendyHull 1Grant -1Kawsaki 6N Korda -5MINJEE LEE MC 91
RadarFurue 4L Ko -7Coughlin MC 9N Korda -5ZHANG 1
EMCBoutier 2 L KO (3) -7Henseleit 4Hull 1Green MC 93
ScrumsFurue 4JY Ko MC 9
Hull 1L Ko -7BOUTIER 7
MetroL Ko -17Minjee Lee MC 9L Thompson 6Ruffels MC 9RUFFELS MC 97
HedgeZhang 3Hull 1N Korda -5Minjee Lee MC 9JY KO MC 98
PhilZhang 3Henderson MC 9Furue 4KORDA (3) -5Lee M MC 14
TafYamashita MC 9Furue 4N KORDA (3) -5JY Ko MC 9Coughlin MC 920
Max KORDA (3) -5Green MC 9Coughlin MC 9Furue 4Ryu H 520


“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces”

~ Will Rogers