
There have been some beauties over the past year or two and while I am posting the most obvious and famous – I’ll throw in an intriguing one that time has forgotten. Arnie and the 1958 Masters. Palmer embedded his ball behind the green and felt he was entitled to […]

Best golf rules snafu’s

One month till the new rules come in so I thought I would share with you the major ones and my thoughts on them. Ball at rest Ball moved. Player accidentally moves his or her ball during search. New rule: No penalty. Current rule: 1-stroke penalty. Yep. Fair enough, assuming […]

New 2019 golf rules

 Over the years I’ve seen most of you post about about having to leave for work. While it’s clear what some of you do for a living, I thought it would be interesting to find out the jobs that each of us have held during our adult lives. The genesis […]

Hedge’s Story

I am on record saying that I think all drugs, including heroin, should not only be decriminalized, but legal. Here is the way I see it. Because of the myriad of factors that comprise the War on Drugs, and the opioid epidemic, this will be quite long and cover a […]

The War On Drugs – by Taf