
I shouldn’t begin a column with an apology, or possibly a warning. But hey! I am not writing about golf, or even women’s golf. No. I am writing a column about women’s minor league golf. If you want to turn back now, I will not be offended. But, if you […]

Taf’s Symetra Sojourn

My guess is that we all have, over the years, watched many sports films, some more than others. I have compiled a list of my 10 favorite sports films. These are not necessarily what film critics, or even sports buffs, would consider the best or greatest sports films. These are […]

Favourite Sports Movies – from Taf

JOHN FULBROOK 1758-1848 born and died Odiham, Hampshire.   Some of you are aware that I have a keen interest in genealogy.  It’s not just the fascination of tracing one’s own ancestry but also the insight gained into the lives and mores of the not so rich and famous; the […]

John Fulbrook – Wendy

What a great weekend at HSBC!     Friday: The weather at 10 am looked pretty bad with storm coming and I was too tired so I decided to watch highlights from Thursday on TV. I came to the golf course around noon. I watched Inbee, Brooke and Ariya and […]

Iveta and the HSBC

EMC Here ya go…..from the lips of ‘the coyote’. Hey, that’s where the boys played, at Coyote Lakes in Surprise, AZ. Picture perfect day. Few clouds and just enough of a breeze to keep the sweat off my forehead. OH….and at the turn, a free lunch. Hot-dog, chips and soda […]

3 Amigos do it again